The new amenities that property managers are deploying to retain tenants, the thing that hinders your coworker’s productivity the most, and more news from around the web.
Developers are converting closed retail spaces into offices, modern-day landlords are looking at amenities with much more interest than they did before, and more news.
Studies that show people who work in co-working spaces are more satisfied and better performers, workers today want to work and play in one place, and more news.
NeoCon 2018 is just around the corner! We reached out to some of the speakers of the most anticipated sessions to learn more about their their presentations and thoughts on NeoCon 50.
If work-life integration is the norm now, how do employees find the right balance and integrate their personal selves into their work? And how do companies promote that integration?
When SmithGroup Chicago moved to a new office, they implemented new technology to evaluate the way space is used - a critical element to the success of an agile environment. Â