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Where Are They Now: 2023 Student Winner Haley Giroux

WDM’s Emily Ambery caught up with 2023 Next Work Environment Student Competition Winner, Haley Giroux. Since winning the competition, Haley has followed through on...

Your Extended Community Is Your Community

Coworking operators should expand their coworking space's influence beyond its walls to build a resilient community.

Customizing Coworking Spaces For Niche Markets: Smart Strategy Or Risky Move?

In the ever-evolving coworking scene, there's a trend that's been making waves for a while now: specialized spaces customized for niche industries.

Four Secrets To Success For Women In Flex

Women are underrepresented in flexible space leadership. FlexSA’s Jane Sartin shares four career tips for women to advance professionally and empower others along the way.

Hong Kong WE Hub: Moving into the Experience Era

Topic: Shake It Up 6:00pm Registration and networking 6:30pm WE are here 6:35pm PechaKucha panelist introduction  - Ms Leonie Lee, Associate Director, Business Advisory, Arcadis - Dr Richard Claydon, CEO & Co-founder,...

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