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hospitality inspired office

The Workplace Sets Sail

Art Bloodworth of DLR Group discusses how the workplace can implement some of the design and engagement concepts found on cruise ships. 

No Longer Inspired, the Hospitality Experience IS the New Workplace

Spectorgroup's Lauren Gardner shares examples of how a hospitality approach to office design can entice employees back to the office.

Integrating Hospitality Concepts to Harmonize Comfort and Productivity in the Modern Workplace

Tamala Herd of Bridge Commercial Real Estate shares how the workplace - like hospitality - can provide a welcoming, destination-style environment that champions connectivity and community for all users. 

Rolling Out the Welcome Mat at Work

Sydney Moeller and Marilyn Russell of Baker Barrios Architects explore how the hospitality sector is influencing office design.

The Fusion Office: Hospitality, Residential and Retail-Inspired Workplaces

RSP designer Katie Engelby RID, LEED AP explains the hospitality, residential and retail influences that are changing the workplace and what it means for the future of the office.

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