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experience design

What Offices Can Learn from Gyms

Robin Rosebrugh, Director of Workplace Strategy & Research at Aura, details how the office can take a page from the Gym's playbook.

“Ciao 2025!” – Curation, Iteration, Activation and Optimism 

Shive-Hattery's Michelle Jones greets 2025 workplace strategy with this Italian acronym to infuse optimism in the new year.

Creating an Immersive Journey at the Office – The Gulshan Experience Center

Design firm, Confluence, creates a luxurious and immersive space for marketing client Gulshan Group in Noida, India.

What The Workplace Can Learn From Taylor Swift And U2

Downstream's David Waingarten discusses three key takeaways the built environment can learn from event experiences, like a Taylor Swift or U2 concert.  The experience economy is...

Do You Know Your EBC’s?

The Elements team explores the potential benefits of Executive Briefing Centers as an alternative to a traditional workplace.

Industry News: The Work-From-Anywhere War Is Beginning

The most sought-after talent want ultimate flexibility, how a renovated bank enhanced its acoustic privacy in an open plan, and more news.

A Company Should Never Stand Still, So Why Should Your Space?

Emily Webster of ESI Design shares an experience design masterplan for creating a culture-driven workplace.

Uber’s Interactive Lobby Space By HUSH Displays The Power of Art And Design

The Stream at Uber's HQ by HUSH is an interactive light display lobby space designed to positively impact employee morale.

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