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Unlocking Success: Ben Waber Shares Insights On Data-driven Work Environments

MIT scientist and People Analytics author Ben Waber reveals why data—not opinions—should drive workplace decisions, and shape the future of work, collaboration, and corporate strategy.

Utilizing Data to Drive Change Management & A Better Future of Work

Ben Waber of Humanyze explores how to leverage workplace analytics to navigate through change management.

Space Functionality is in the Eye of the Beholder

Part two of our survey results: A well-designed workplace speaks to occupants about space functionalities as well as what the space represents.

Coworking With Kids, And Other Industry News

Kids are being welcomed at more of Europe's coworking spaces, are cubicles or open-plan spaces better for employees, and more news.

Evolve or Perish: Data-Driven Design Tools are Changing the Game

Why the A&D community needs to embrace new technology to continue to employ data as a key component to design.

Creating a Data-Driven Work Experience: Myths and Realities

Steelcase's Tracy Brower presents seven myths about data and how to make better decisions by bringing more reality to the data-driven decision-making process. 

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