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Teknion Introduces Textiles, Fractals, and Keel

At Neocon, Teknion will be showing off its new Teknion Textiles, Fractals Seating Group, and Keel Chair.

Global Total Office to Launch ‘Bridges II’ Benching System

Global Total Office is about to launch a modular, linear workstation system designed for collaboration. The new benching system is called Bridges II, and it's poised to show NeoCon attendees how 20- and 30-something employees can work in more collaborative ways.

It’s All About the Task Chair

Here are some new products for November's issue on "It's All in the Details."

New Products at NeoCon East

Check out new products that will be featured at NeoCon East, October 17 & 18, 2012!

Products for the Work Garden

Check out some cool products that go well in any environment-friendly area.

Living Walls

A living wall can be as small as 5 sq. ft. or as large as an entire atrium. The smaller versions are easily mounted on existing wall surfaces and usually take the form of a box system, i.e. modules of plant boxes arranged next to each other in a row.

NeoCon 2012 Products

Heading to NeoCon 2012 in Chicago June 11-13? Take a look at some great new products that will be there:

Best-Kept Secret: LEVEL ®

While acceptance has already been recognized by client procurement teams and the green building movement, level ® is, unfortunately, still a best-kept secret and relatively unknown in the architectural and interior design communities.

Products with Glass

Check out the latest products with glass

Products for Mobile Employees

Check out new products that can help your employees be more efficient on the go!

Lighting the Workplace

From a technical and design standpoint, the widespread introduction of LEDs into office settings provides long-awaited alternatives to standard fluorescent and incandescent lights.

media:scape is Designed for People, Technology, and Fun

Not only does Mediascape facilitate collaboration via technology, but it also maximizes efficiency, time savings, and flexibility.
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