An urban designer, strategic planner, and educator with decades of experience integrating policy, programming, and market forces with design, Steven believes in reimagining the intersection of design and function with the needs of diverse communities. His training as an architect and planner has led to a rich portfolio centered on higher education, campus planning, cultural arts planning, creative placemaking, and downtown district master plan projects. He is adept at bringing together diverging client perspectives and directing them into a narrower, more purposeful trajectory. Many of his collaborations have involved creative planning and design solutions for public and non-profit organizations with complex development challenges. Steven believes in framing complex issues with a straightforward approach that facilitates stakeholder consensus and advances a shared vision. Whether projects are conceptual, strategic, or physical, his attention is focused on diligently shaping a plan through a robust engagement process. His practice has included work in twenty states, as well as Beijing, Tianjin, Suzhou, and Lanshan in China.