Motivated by the desire to maximize human potential in the workplace; workplace analytics has become the critical evidence for organizations as a must have in creating and evolving their workplace.
Come join us onWednesday, Jan. 31st  from 4:30 – 6:30 PM as Workplace Evolutionaries (WE) explores the “Metrics That Matter most” with panelists perspectives ranging from a CFO/COO, an HR leader, and experts in Workplace Strategy, Well-Being & Sustainability.
Alex Denja – SVP CFO/COO at National Equity Fund, Inc.
Arnold Levin – Principal | Workplace Strategist at SmithGroupJJR
Kay Wulf – Principal | Workplace Studio Leader at SmithGroupJJR
Benjamin Cordani – Lead Human Resources Manager for Caterpillar with Surface Mining & Technology Division
Shona O’Dea – Senior Associate | Building Performance Analyst at DLR Group
Special recording with Joe Hagan – CEO at National Equity Fund, Inc.
Kate North – Global Chair, WE | Managing Director of Workplace at Colliers, Int.
Come join us for the WE experience!
4:30pm – 5:30pm Social
5:00pm – 5:30pm Facility Tour
5:30pm – 6:30pm Panelist Presentation
Special thanks to our event sponsors: Kimball, SmithGroupJRR, Sensory Technologies, Work Design Magazine, and ESD.