Industry News: How To Redesign The Office For A Future With Remote Work

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Chair of the Month

Elise Shapiro
Elise Shapiro
Elise Shapiro is a contributing editor. Little did she know that her first job, in the facilities department at Ralston Purina, while obtaining her M. Arch at Washington University, in St. Louis would foreshadow where her career would lead. She has always been a strong advocate for providing the best possible spaces for people to work – where aesthetics meet function and drive business success.

Our weekly round up of workplace news from around the web. 

These small, private digital pods enable workers to connect and collaborate with remote colleagues and clients while in the larger open office space. [Photo: © Eric Laignel/courtesy Elkus Manfredi Architects]
  • Remote work isn’t going anywhere, but Fast Company explores how to design a great ‘IRL’ office.
  • ArchDaily shares the importance of technology in the strategic design of workplaces in the COVID-19 era.
  • There has been a marked shift in the way companies operate and some of these changes will continue to have the impact in post-COVID era as well, reports ABP Live.
  • London design studio Templo has created a new visual identity and data graphics for the UK’s independent adviser on climate change to depict the environment in a more engaging way, shares Design Week.
  • Architects’ Journal reports that one in two architects is reporting mental health impacts from the pandemic.
  • As employers start to bring workers back to the office, Fortune shares that they may be inviting them to an unfamiliar place.
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